27 декабря 2018, 11:35 | Автор: Иван Рутов

Американец стал первым человеком в истории, который в одиночку пересек Антарктиду на лыжах

Американец стал первым человеком в истории, который в одиночку пересек Антарктиду на лыжах
33-летний путешественник пересек ледяную пустыню Антарктиды через Южный полюс и дошел до противоположного берега.

Житель американского Портленда Колин О'Брейди стал первым человеком в истории, который в одиночку пересек Антарктиду на лыжах, у него ушло 54 дня, сообщает "Интерфакс" со ссылкой на Associated Press.





Day 50: STRUNG OUT BUT STILL MOVING. I can’t believe I been out here all alone for 50 days. Even having lived it, I can’t quite wrap my mind around it. This wind storm still has not subsided so I spent another day getting beat down. Fingers crossed I catch a break on the weather soon. I’ve been writing a lot about the mental game as it’s clearly the most crucial part of this challenge (or any challenge for that matter). However today I want to honor my body and health. I wholeheartedly believe that nothing in life is more important that being healthy. Without that it’s hard to do or do fully. I’m so fortunate to have parents that instilled that in me from a young age, teaching me the importance of healthy eating and exercise. My dad is an organic farmer so I guess you could say it’s in my blood. Despite feeling exhausted and worn out, I’m grateful for having lived a healthy lifestyle, for without that I’m certain my body would have given up by now. And on the health front, I’m glad to be partnered with @Grandrounds who go above and beyond to guide people to the highest quality healthcare. It’s incredible to know they provide access to medical expertise literally anywhere on the planet! #GrandRounds #TheImpossibleFirst #BePossible

Публикация от Colin O'Brady (@colinobrady)

Поход 32-летнего американца начался 3 ноябряОн преодолел полторы тысячи километров, причем на последний день путешествия пришелся огромный переход в 129 км.






Day 42: DREAMS INTO REALITY. Even though I’m 50 miles past the South Pole now, I can’t help but post one more image from the day I arrived — a dream come true. Plus, today is a very historic date. On December 14, 1911, this day exactly 107 years ago, Amundsen became the first person to reach the South Pole. Talk about inspiration. That was a true journey into the unknown that took years and years to complete. I finished a bike ride in 2016 and got the spark of inspiration for this project. I immediately came home and wrote it all down on my whiteboard. Since that day I’ve been working everyday to turn this dream into reality; training, fundraising, researching. The key is that each day I took a step toward making my dream a reality even with countless setbacks and mistakes made along the way, I kept trying. I haven’t realized the dream yet. That’s what I’m doing every day out here…taking step after step to make it come true. Whatever you are dreaming of in life, be that in business, art, music, love, entrepreneurship, sports — it can be anything. Stop just dreaming and take the first step. As in the immortal words of Walt Disney, “If you can dream it, you can do it!!” But dreaming alone won’t get you there. If it’s going to work, action is required. #TheImpossibleFirst #BePossible Shoutout to @samuel.a.harrison for snapping this amazing shot of me. Samuel and another scientist from the South Pole station read about my journey in the @nytimes and came outside to the Pole to cheer me on!

Публикация от Colin O'Brady (@colinobrady)

Несколько раз он хотел прекратить переход. Так было 18 ноября, когда он проснулся и обнаружил, что вместе с санями засыпан снегом, сообщает ТАСС.

Свой рекорд О' Брейди посвятил своему другу Генри Уорсли. В 2016 году он погиб, пытаясь покорить ледовый континент. Он не дошел всего 50 километров до финиша. Британцу не повезло с погодой: ему приходилось передвигаться при 44-градусном морозе и сильном ветре.





Day 49: PEACEFUL WARRIOR. When I was 9 years old, my Mom read aloud to me the book The Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman @danmillmanpw . It was a seminal moment for me that continues to have deep ripple effects on my life today. I woke up to the wind storm still hammering my tent, but the peaceful warrior that lives inside of me was also awakened. Immediately as I opened my eyes and unzipped my sleeping bag, a deep strength overcame me and I knew today would be special, despite the constant 40mph wind gusts and -25 temperature. I tapped into one of the deepest flow states of my life for the next 13 hours and made my furthest distance of the entire expedition. 33.1 miles!! It’s amazing tapping into this deep inner peace and strength, but let me be clear; I am not unique in this ability. We all have reservoirs of untapped potential and our bodies and spirits are capable of so much more than lies on the surface. Believe that the next time you need more strength than you think you have, it’s inside of you. I promise. #TheImpossibleFirst #letsbepossibletogether

Публикация от Colin O'Brady (@colinobrady)

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